Exerting Power over a Partner with a Lawsuit

Experts say abusers will have a new way of exerting power over a domestic violence survivor. The Johnny Depp and Amber Heard defamation lawsuit Trial may frighten abuse victims from coming forward. The Moments Between Dreams, is especially timely considering the power...

When a Romantic Request to Dress Goes Too Far

The Ego Stroke of Being Asked Out Boosts Self-Esteem That loving, longing look your way from a potential partner is flattering, but if you are craving attention, having missed it during the pandemic, you might be vulnerable. It’s ok to let your guard down, as...

Vaccine Hope, Iron Will

My debut novel, The Moments Between Dreams, is a Women’s Fiction novel that includes an iron will by the protagonist to take control of her life. It also touches on the scare of polio. “Iron Will,” a title to a video clip and blog post this month by Bill Gates in his...